
Desert Marigold School (DMS) operates under a 501(c)(3), Valley of the Sun Waldorf Education Association (VSWEA), Inc. The Board of VSWEA is the governing board for DMS.

The operational responsibility of the Board is delegated to the Executive Director. The Executive Director works directly with the Administration and the Leadership and Development Council (LDC) to oversee the school.

The Administration includes the Executive Director, Pedagogical Director, Registrar and Human Resources administrator. The Administration supports the school’s business operations.

The LDC, comprised of faculty realm chairs, ensures that school education-related policies and curriculum align with the standards indicated in the school charter and the state board of education. The LDC also supports DMS by leading the Pedagogical development and supporting its faculty.

LDC Committee Members

Early Childhood - Heather Sullivan

Grades - Jean Falconburg and Tammy Lopez

High School - Christie Martin

Specialty Representative - Ken Friedman